back jus now...
Tat sci teacher of mine chop my paper with an
"incomplete" stamp.
She chop mcm suka2 hati....
Fun pe??
chop satu kali dhlah..
abeh chop byk2...
paper ni dh blh msk art
Not i don wan do wat...
I don have enough time to do abeh dh suruh pass up....

Amaths mock was cancelled!!! yeah!!!!
jus now took chem mock...
u wan 2 noe someting???
I don know wat is hydrocarbon...
Apahal ans dier is....
hydrocarbon contains carbon and hydrogen atoms only....
senang2 pun tk tau....
tk terpikir pun tat itu ans dier....
biler ingat balik i feel funny....
Tadi nite class buat notes utk phy....
buat notes utk 2 chap....
now tgl uat notes utk yg chap on lights je....
Tis daes mcm feel takut g2..
don noe y but there is this feeling....
tkt wat i hope is not wat i get...
wat i had planned is not wat will happen
and tkt that wat i see is not the reality....
just get me out of tis feeling and i'll be fine....
i just feel something will happen ...
but tk tau ape yg akan happen 2....
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