Saturday, June 23, 2012

This girl right here , has gone thru alot of things.
Her life has never been perfect.
Hurdles come in her way everytime.
But She wont let anything get in her way of success.
She got up ,everytime she fall.
Being broken,is not her.
She's not that prettayy.
She don have the looks .
And she is not everyone's favourite girl.
Being somebody who dont really get much attention frm her parents since young,
she decided to be independent.
She have to.
And she survive that.

Ouh, i wanna share something with you guys.I donnoe how many of you gonna read this but scrap that cos i wanna share! Hahah! So recently, i began to wear the hijab. There's so many people asking me why? I dont have any reason why but i think it's time and Allah has opened up my heart to become a better muslim. Thus far, i have not received any negative comments yet. Everybody is supporting me from the back.This include my Chinese friends. And I realize that the chinese still dont understand that it is a must and why is there a need to wear tudung. Actually, wearing a tudung is not a must but covering your aurat is.
Been so long since this blog is updated. Been busy with school,CCA and stuff this few months. Really tired i tell you. Irregular sleeping hours. The puffy eyes must maintain i tell you. body aches everywhere. Currently trying to memorize the dance routine for National Day. Then new school term starts this monday. Haishhh. Then the project which is not half done plus ppt which will due this monday. I is very the stress you know.